UX Design Project
Having a great user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) rolled into one website is pretty much guaranteed to perform for your online showroom. If your website looks great but is confusing or difficult to navigate, it’s possible you won’t be receiving as many leads as you should be.
What is UX Design
UX design is the relationship between humans and technology, or more specifically, how people navigate websites. People’s expectations are that websites should be easy to use, not trying to put you off completing your request. Sometimes, the human interaction with a website is overlooked. Can your contact form be accessed easily, do you make users jump through hoops to find the content they are looking for or, even worse, do you have a website that is not mobile responsive? If you think your performance is being hindered by your website design, speak to Autoweb who would be happy to evaluate your site.

Why UX design is important
UX design is incredibly important when it comes to converting website visitors.
Here’s a scenario for you – your cars are shown in one long list, with no pagination or filter system. Customer A wants to see what Ford Fiesta’s you have in stock but without the filter, they have to scroll through all of your stock. How long would they feasibly do this without bouncing off your website? This is just one example of why UX design is so important, particularly for human interaction
Is your website performing for you?
You may be curious as to how well your website is performing for you, particularly stacked up against other Automotive websites. You may want a second opinion from those who work solely in the Automotive arena. Here at Autoweb Design, we can perform an in-depth UX analysis of your current website to see where there are areas of improvement and also what areas are working well for you.

What happens during the UX project
If you choose Autoweb Design to run a UX project for your current website, we will firstly speak to you to see what areas of your website are causing you concern so we can place focus on these areas.
One the project is completed, you will receive a report which outlines all the relevant findings, including any mobile accessibility issues, any navigation issues and areas that could be preventing users from converting. Our UX package can cover both Desktop and Mobile device usability.
We would need to know what aspects of your website you want us to focus on, what are the pain points and what you are trying to achieve. Get in contact using the form below and we will be in touch.